The word concierge comes from the French Comte Des Cierges meaning "candle holder". There was a time when a concierge performed an essential function of illuminating the path of his master. Today Concierge service takes decisions to a variety of issues in order to make the lives of the customers comfortable and cheerful.
The Home Concierge service is more than just your assistant; it is your counselor, friend who is always ready to give tenants competent advice. With the help of our Concierge service you can solve all the household and technical problems of everyday life – to order your apartment cleaning, clean clothes, perform the necessary repairs, to fix new household appliances, drive your car to repair service, send a letter by courier, plan travelling, and order train or plane tickets. And this is not the entire list of services provided by The Home Concierge service. A professional concierge will give you detailed information on various issues, for example, on a restaurant to choose if you’d like to eat sushi, or which serves the best steaks, or where the visitor is invited to choose the best red wine, or those that bake the most delicious cakes, where a concierge by all means reserves the best table for you.
And a concierge always keeps up to latest news of cultural life and can advise on what play or concert is to go, what exhibition to visit – and, of course, reserve a ticket for you. The concierge will provide you with all information about sports clubs, spas, hair salons and shops. The owner of The Home apartment will always feel a special visitor at any place, thanks to the privileges of The Home resident card.